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TurboWarp Desktop

2024-06-30 19:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Install on Linux

Try searching for "TurboWarp" in your distribution's software manager and choose the first option that appears. If it doesn't appear or if you're an advanced user, choose one of these installation methods:

Debian, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Linux Mint

Install our repository to receive updates through apt by running these commands:

wget https://desktop.turbowarp.org/release-signing-key.gpg -qO- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/turbowarp.gpg > /dev/null echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/turbowarp.gpg] https://releases.turbowarp.org/deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/turbowarp.list sudo apt update sudo apt install turbowarp-desktop

Or manually install the .deb (won't add apt repository):

x86 64-bit ARM 64-bit ARMv7l Arch User Repository

For Arch Linux systems, we recommend the official AUR package: turbowarp-desktop-bin


We maintain an official Flatpak version on Flathub: org.turbowarp.TurboWarp

Gamepads will not work in the Flatpak version.

Snap Store

We maintain an official snap version: turbowarp-desktop

By default, the snap version can't access your camera, microphone, gamepads, or removable drives. To fix this, run these commands:

snap connect turbowarp-desktop:camera snap connect turbowarp-desktop:audio-record snap connect turbowarp-desktop:joystick snap connect turbowarp-desktop:removable-media

By default, the snap version can't be set as the file opener for sb3, sb2, or sb files without interfering with other file types. To fix this, run these commands:

wget https://desktop.turbowarp.org/snap-mime.xml -qO- | sudo tee /usr/share/mime/packages/turbowarp-desktop-snap.xml > /dev/null sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime AppImage x86 64-bit ARM 64-bit ARMv7l tar.gz x86 64-bit ARM 64-bit ARMv7l






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